Introspecção sobre meu trabalho para terceiros
Community evicted by accused murderer seeks justice for Gabriel Filho
- Under Brazil’s 1988 constitution, all private land must serve a social function. So unused property without a social function can legally be occupied and claimed by landless communities. However, this law has created major land conflicts between large-scale landowners, who lay claim to vast properties, and landless communities seeking land.
Brazil’s pesticide poisoning problem poses global dilemma, say critics
- Brazil is second only to the U.S. in its use of chemical pesticides, with many of the chemicals sprayed in Brazil on soy and other crops banned by the EU and the United States. Pesticide poisoning is a major Brazilian problem. In 2016, 4,208 cases of intoxication by exposure to pesticides were registered across the nation – the equivalent of 11 per day (killing 355 people).
Brazil austerity policies devastating to rural communities: analysis
- Since taking power in 2016, Michel Temer has drastically cut Brazil’s social programs, especially impacting poor rural families. These austerity measures also adversely affect the natural world, with one social program linked to sustainability eliminated, and with struggling rural families less likely to protect, and more likely to exploit, natural resources to meet minimal economic needs.
Connect the dots: Cerrado soy drives inequality to provide EU with chicken
- For nearly a century, traditional communities in the Brazilian Cerrado raised small livestock herds and planted sustainably on lands to which they lacked deeds. The savanna was largely ignored by industrial agribusiness, which lacked the technology to farm and water the semi-arid land.
Cerrado towns terrorized to provide toilet paper for the world, say critics
- A Mongabay investigation has found that global consumers who buy brand name toilet paper and tissues may unwittingly be fuelling land conflicts, environmental crimes and the loss of native vegetation in Brazil
The Brazilian government’s land war against rebel slave descendants
- Slavery wasn’t abolished in Brazil until 1888, but by then thousands of remote rural communities known as Quilombos had been founded by runaway slaves. Under the 1988 Constitution, these Quilombos, which lacked land deeds, were guaranteed land rights, and a process was devised to legitimize the settlements.
Cerrado farm community fights for life against dam and eucalyptus growers
- A wealth of great rivers caused Brazil in recent years to pursue a frenzy of mega-dam construction in the Amazon and Cerrado, work that enthusiasts claimed would benefit Brazilians with cheap energy. Critics say otherwise, however, noting much of the power produced goes to large mining company operations.
As Brazilian agribusiness booms, family farms feed the nation
- Brazil’s “Agricultural Miracle” credits industrial agribusiness with pulling the nation out of a recent economic tailspin, and contributing 23.5 percent to GDP in 2017. But that miracle relied on a steeply tilted playing field, with government heavily subsidizing elite entrepreneurs.
Schlamm der Zerstörung und des Unrechts
Im November 2015 brach nahe Mariana in Brasilien ein Rückhaltedamm des Bergbau-Unternehmens Samarco. Seither kämpft eine ganze Region mit den massiven sozialen und ökologischen Folgen dieser Katastrophe.
Sonderausstellung: Wir essen die Welt
Mit jeder Mahlzeit verändern wir die Welt. Ob wir wollen oder nicht. So laden wir zusammen mit der inatura Dornbirn zu einer Weltreise der besonderen Art ein, der Sonderausstellung "Wir essen die Welt".